Tuesday, 15 December 2009

X-mas Movie Special

I suppose that you know about our XX-mas Calendar by now?
If you do not, visit http://www.youtube.com/thhfjulkalender2009!

The movies are in Swedish, but music is a multinational lanuage so you all will understand, that's a promise!

And if you didn't know, our guitarist Dan Diego Delavega is working on his acting career. Here is a trailer of his first movie

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

THHF influence playlist...

Our manager got a few calls from, as they present theirselves; important people, asking how the new THHF material will sound.... So we simply put a spotify playlist together: Listen to the mix and *hokuspokusfillijokus*, there is exactly how a new Happy Hippo family song sounds! Pretty smart huh?

Get the 10 songs long THHF Influence playlist:

...and on the 8th day god created The Happy Hippo Family

November Rehearsal in a country saloon, with a gig whenever we want as the returning favour. Quite nice payback affair! Thanks to the saloon we're up in 6 songs for an album now...
Somewhere in the middle of rehearsing a new song called "Touch" we stopped and asked ourselves if we really are as good as people think we are... We sat down and talked about it over a cup of coffe and after a wild discussion that nearly ended up with a bar fight we finally came up with the answer that we actually are better than people think.

We have decided to take some more time for this recording-project. We're setting the release date to late 2010 or early 2011 and in the meantime we may leak some songs online and play for you guys whenever you want to!

On the subject good bands: There are two brilliant bands in this country right now. The other band is called The Berndt, and they have just finished the mixing on their upcoming album, we're looking forward to it and if you havent heard about it, you should really check it out! http://www.theberndt.com/

And Hey! Don't forget that you can follow our daily life, early mornings, late evenings and weekends through our facebook fan page!

The will be a new video with a lot of dancing uploaded soon! Wild kisses //The family

Wednesday, 21 October 2009


Last weekend we held a rehearsal in a preschool a few minutes drive from Orebro. We had a bunch of new song ideas to transform to gold but the weekend ended with a few brand new songs that we kind of wrote and put together right there & then.

Our goal is to have at least 8 new songs finished and ready for recording by the end of the first week in November. We have almost three at the moment, along with a handful genius ideas, so hopefully we will get there!

Next rehearsals will be 13 - 15 of November and 23 - 29 of November.

Until then, enjoy a vid from last weekend!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Strange Town + Plans

Hey Gals! Here's a video sample from the Gig in Hultsfred:

As you know by now, the song is called Strange Town... We've told you the story about it before!

We're pissed off at the moment, to the cause of many different reasons... Yes, It's hard to try to create a professional relationship to normal human beings when they are not as bright as us immortal Hippos... The Truth can be cruel sometimes...and to be honest: We are your truth, whether you want it or not! Anyhow, We're angry and Happy.

The reason to splendid happiness is that we are planing for our debut album. There's a case of songwriting sessions at the moment and hopefully (fingers crossed) we will start the recordings in November and work with that for 6 months. And we will share the whole process with you right here at the blog!


Thursday, 17 September 2009

What's Goin' on?

Well... We have a lot of pics, live recordings and hours of video that we are working us through at the moment... We don't know what will become of it at the moment... DVD? Posters? Live CD? Real wallpaper? Tile?

Speaking of tile, we're actually working on two brand new songs to glue onto it! They go under the provisional names: Payphone Confessions and King Of The Room. We are also (like last year) discussing a Happy Hippo Christmas Song.., We have been talking about a duet.., Just hope we can pull it through this year!

Hopefully the song that you guys tried to help us out with the lyrics to, will be up for a shave in short...

Thats all for now, but there are so much happening, you better click in here tomorrow as well!


Tuesday, 15 September 2009


Hey! We're not gone, we've just been doin some gigs lately and Hoffa didn't recieve his iPhone until yesterday so we haven't been able to blog while we've been away from ma & pa. Nalle recently did a Triss (a Triss is to loose for example a camera, guitar or anything else on a random place) and lost his iPhone which really didn't make this blog-problem any easier to handle...

Well, I remember we told you about the Hultsfred gig and I have something more to say about that.
We just added the song
Strange Town (Live from Hultsfred)
on myspace! Check it out!
Hultsfred was hot, wet and bathing in sunlight when we said/mumbled good night and went to bed...


Monday, 7 September 2009

GIG @ Metropol, Hultsfred

Ok, we know it is quite late to announce a gig this weekend, but hey you guys can still fill up some groupie buses and join us for a trip to Swedens Rock City. Yes, we are talking about Hultsfred and yes, we're going to do another f*cking awesome gig!

Where? Metropol, Hultsfred
When? Saturday, 12th of September (This weekend!)
Ticket prize? Question right back in your face; Why would you care?
Why? Love, dance and nudity!

Sunday, 30 August 2009

The guitar is back!

Well, as you may not know, our guitar ace Triss got his guitar stolen right after the video recording to Monaco, McGordon and Me.
Triss mourned his lost beauty for about two months until last week, when he recieved a strange telephone call. It was a nice sounding lady from the almighty police force in Hultsfred calling. They had finally caught the thief and found the lost treasure of his.

- Thank you nice sounding lady from the police force in Hultsfred. Triss thanked her and hung up with a wide smile on his god beloved face.

And as all other Happy Hippo stories, this one end up...Yes, happy as missisippi farmer!

* The model on the picture is getting payed for this, of course.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

The Camera is back!

Do you remember this?

It was in october or november 2008.

Now, the 22nd of August 2009, the camera is finally found! And it was found in the same flat where it went missing. Does that mean almost a year without cleaning?
Anyway, it was Hoffa that found it. Unfortunately he found it in a place where no competitor in the "Find the camera competition" had guessed it would be found.

There will be no V.I.P experience for anyone but at least the competition have come to an end.

Here is a reconstruction of how it got found:

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Written in 2006.

Hey there folks!
Rehearsal today, the last one in a couple of weeks actually. We´re all moving to different cities to spend the autumn but we just got ourselves a new rehearsal space in Orebro, so we will be back in town every now and then...

Just found a text about the idea behind The Happy Hippo Family Collective that later on went to become The Happy Hippo Family Band. It is quite fun reading because the ideas behind it feels so fuzzy and naive, yet still so true. Written in 2006, now presented officially for the first time, Here it is:

We love to dance. We love pop. We love to sing along with a bottle in our right hand. Those three things made us start this band. Well, actually, this is not a band..., It is more of a musical collective. A group of close friends, where a friend brings another friend, and so on. Few of us are skilled as musicians, fewer have good command of an instrument, but what is the point? Popmusic is all about feelings. We all have feelings. We feel when something is swinging, we feel when three simple words make a good line and we feel when something totally sucks. We use those feelings to express ourselves in a way that we want to. The thought of popmusic is a though of happiness, and the only assignment this band will try to accomplish is to make people feel that happiness. To make people dance and sing along. To meet. To talk and discuss pop, bands, songs, lyrics and sexual intercourse, maybe over a cold beer or a cup of coffée. This is our way to hold a rehearsal, and as long as we have fun and enjoy the life in a band, we will continue to rehearse this way.

Monday, 10 August 2009

We're on Spotify!

Now you're able to enjoy our new single "Monaco, McGordon and Me" on Spotify. So please, feel free to put it in your favourite playlist.

You can get the track here:

Monaco, McGordon and Me

Monaco, McGordon and Me

Monaco, McGordon and Me

If you don´t have a Spotify account, just leave a comment where you explain how much you love us and we'll give you an invite! Don't forget to leave your email address as well.

Love / THHF

Friday, 24 July 2009


A bird whispered in my ear that some people are leaving our fanclub page on facebook. How is this possible?

From now on we will keep records on all our members. The one who wants to leave can do this but we will haunt you, find you and make you a happy... happier... the happiest hippo again. Actually, I believe that you would love our company when we have found you and your little worthless hide out.

... but hey, let's be buddies! Join our facebook fanclub! Maybe we could go for a date? It is friday, let's have some fun together!

Monday, 20 July 2009

A Bloody good day...

Today was a bloody good day. We had a full day of rehearsing with a new guitar player and a newbie synthesizer programmer and believe us, this is gonna be awesome!

The song called "Trenchtown" that we wrote about in the last post is now called "Strange Town" and we totally f*cking set the pieces together today! I tell you, this song is a blast!

And by the way, the video to "Monaco, McGordon and Me is ranked as the #65 most seen entertainment clip this week. Thank you folks, we will reward you!

...Just thought you wanted to know!

Lots of Love // Your family

Friday, 17 July 2009

We've forgotten to say something...
We've started to work on some new songs that will end up sounding f*cking awesome!

There is one song that we need some help with though. Following lyrics came out from a late night/early morning in an old motorcycle club close to Hultsfredsfestivalen.

"Use my body, wake me up Amy
It is nice to see you here again, Lily /
You use my body, then you throw me out /

I am a toy for you, but I can do it all, all night /
USE MY BODY (end of Verse 1)
(Start of Verse 2) Use your body like a belly dancing queen..."

We would need some help from you guys with the rest of the song. Can you help us complete verse 2 and come up with a refrain? Awesome! Leave your lyrics in the comments!

Another song that we currently are working on is going under the name "Trenchtown" and that is actually one of the first songs we ever wrote together. Unfortunely a random guy called Jason Mraz did the same kind of song at the same time. It went on to be a huge pain in the ass so we decided to wait a bit with our song... but now it is high time to give it to you!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Thank You Hultsfred!

As you may know we've been doin the Hultsfred festival this weekend. Rock n' roll-style. In fact, some officials loved our partying so much they decided to make a music video accompanied by our newly released single!

Friday, 19 June 2009


Congratulations everyone. This summer is now officially saved. Thanks to The Happy hippo Family, you can now get the hit single “Monaco, McGordon and Me” HERE! This is the song you soon will hear everyday on your favourite radio station. Get it now and you’ll be able to say that you heard it before it went to become a commercial summer hit.

Kind regards Jacqueline Music


Friday, 12 June 2009

MMM Lyrics

A lot of people have asked about the lyrics to our forthcoming single Monaco, McGordon and Me so we thought we should give it to you. WRITE YOUR VERSION OF IT AS COMMENTS, WHAT ASPECTS DO YOU TAKE OUT FROM IT? EXACTLY WHAT IS IT ABOUT? WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR YOU? The winner get a previous unreleased song! Come on!!!!

Monaco, McGordon and Me
McGordon and I, we were smart and bright as kids
but McGordon and I was not that clever to do pills
We did take girls to the sunbeads, McGordon and I
Until they caught us on camera, oh McGordon and I
McGordon and I, appointed prince and king of games
Oh McGordon and I, all russian style, right in your head
We played a final against Scotland on PS2
The time a tounge was all right, oh what's a boy to do?
I heard a friend was gone, perhaps it is us another time
Let's get some money and be off to Monaco
Let's do a job, let's do it fast, let's get an alibi
Could we care less about turning up on the officer's radio?
But I think you can find a lot of happiness into a man that is born
close to a cheap, but increadibly good red wine
as one Da Vinci said.
Now tie me up, bruise my skin, into the wild, into my bones
and start me up, loose the ropes and kiss my chin. 3,2,1, let's play!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Monaco, McGordon and Me Single Release

19th of june = D-day, Bigmac, Salvation day, snabba cash! Buy it at Jacquelinemusic.com and within a few weeks on iTunes as well. Just be patient and we'll deliver this year's summer disease. Here's an acoustic live version from our coffee and cake break just a week ago:

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Some pictures...

We just got our hands on some new pictures taken by Jon Jander. Enjoy!

Saturday, 6 June 2009

Hangover gymnastics @ Hultsfred Festival.

Do you like to move your body? Shake that ass? Do some bootybumping?
Our singer, Jack, have something for you this summer:

" Are you one of them having a hard time staying asleep as long as to lunch or do you just want to give yourself a chance to feel real fresh even during a festival? Well - Hangover Gymnastics is something for you! It is exactly what it sounds like - early, sweaty, daily antenatal and postnatal exercises at the camping area.

Under guidance from the one and only, THHF-Jack there will be gymnastics at 10 Am, everyday from tuesday to saturday.

The exercising classes will take place in the new activity space that will be around where the old Atlantis scene once upon a time used to be. "

Read more: http://www.rockparty.se/klara-artister/bakisgympa.aspx

So... See you at "camp happy hippo" at the Hultsfred festival ??? We can take the exercises from the actual area to the tents and make it more intense!

Monday, 1 June 2009

Heroic Myths

As you all know The Happy Hippo Family is surrounded by loads of roumors and heroic myths. After a lot of questions being asked we've decided that you deserve to know the truth instead. So, now you have an exclusive opportunity to ask us whatever you need to know in the comments below!

As we've said before: "Truth for the people!" / The Happy Hippo Family

Sunday, 31 May 2009

The review...

Once we had a hard time coping with the entertainment magazine meny.nu that just refused to pay any attention at all to our show's, but they are actually writing about us these days and they are apparently understanding what we understood ages ago: The greatness about this band.

Anyway, they did a concert review about our show yesterday and apparently we are a better live band than for example Jonathan Johansson, Melody Club or Christian Walz.
We've obviously got more personality, self distance and happiness than the Swedish Talent 09-band: Smash into pieces (which honestly was no surprise, really), which of course make us a better live band than them...

For a full review in swedish, visit: http://bit.ly/THHFmeny

Guess that was all we wanted to say for now...

We are sorry. Or are we?

Thanks to all of you supporting us yesterday! Special thanks to Misconduct who actually payed our entrance fee at "The Place". We don't know if you know yet, but thanks anyway.

Saturday, 30 May 2009

Watch and learn

If you didn't make it to the show you can still enjoy it here.


Afterparty backstage with lemonade and cookies!

Another damage done

The same guitarist (you know the tough one, who did not cry) played the head of his guitar. The awesome crew at Yeah! festival was more then impressed.

A needle and the damage done

If you play rough you need to stay tough, at all times. Our guitarist got injured today. He did not cry.

Last preparations

Which basically just includes drinking beer and having a laugh!

Friday, 29 May 2009

Follow Saturday's Live stream video!

If you, against all odds, are not in Orebro tomorrow we demand that you follow the GIG via Live Stream! You'll find it @ www.jacquelinemusic.com.
6pm sharp!

So if your car (with built-in flat screen and internet connection) fall into pieces on your way to Orebro, if you meet a new lover on the bus and go directly to her/his office (with loads of computers), if you're stranded on a treasure island with just a computer by your side or if you're just lame in general you can watch it Live, online! Oh my god, what a blast!

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Limited Edition T-Shirt!!

This is an exclusive opportunity to purchase a very limited edition t-shirt. It comes in M,L and XL. Male and female.

Get in touch with anyone in the band to get it, or send us a message on myspace.

You can also buy one @ the Yeah festival on Saturday, BUT they might be sold out.

Hurry!! These will soon be out of stock.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Head rehearsal

Sorry guys we didn't tell you about our live feed yesterday. It wasn't more then a try, but afterwards we realised "somebody might wanna see this". Of course you want! And when you've seen this, burst into tears and fallen in love, remember: SATURDAY at 6 PM isn't that far away.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Last coffee-break

This is the typical Happy Hippo way to get through a rehersal. 90% coffeebreak, 10% gig-ideas and 15% bullying.

We discussed:
Triss's sister
Martin Dahlin
and table tennis.

Anyways, come see us do all this action live at the Yeah festival.

Saturday 6 pm, The Big Park, Örebro - almost anyway. A tent nearby called Safari.

Monday, 25 May 2009


By the way, some light in the tunnel! This is the design of our new T-shirt!

The Happy Hippo Family to the left, surrounded by a black soul. Lilly to the right, undressed and surrounded by an angel's bright karma.

Aggression at the YEAH09 stage...

There are a few confessions to make;
We did fire the synthesizer dude. He had some serious problems that he will have to solve before he is welcome to the band again. Not our fault!
We did fire the first producer. He clearly wasn´t able to do what we told him to do. It is as simple as that. Not our fault!
Next thing is more of a serious problem for us though. Our lead singer were the next one in line to talk shit behind the rest of the band:s backs, so if he want to leave, we would welcome him to go straight to hell as it is right now.

Jacqueline Music didn´t want to release this video because of today's situation, so we did it ourselves. For our fans: The recording diary 3.
Judge it yourself...

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Family Announcement!!

This is our new investor. A very large amount of dirty dollars will be spent to make the new T-shirt for the ultimate summer fashionistaz. Topnotch!!

This is a limited edition T-shirt and to make sure you get one, Contact anyone in our street crew.

More details about design well be here shortly.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Moving party

Our guitarist has a moving party tonight. We don't really know if it's a party for moving in or to get kicked out, but we think that the best solution is to have them both, at the same time!

To succeed with this we've made a Spotify-playlist dedicated to the event! Turn on, Tune in, drop out...

The Happy Hippo Warming Party

Thursday, 7 May 2009

New Happy Hippo fashion collection

We are about to launch a new fashion collection of Happy Hippo Beach Balls! Now we need models for the photo shoot of these remarkable Happy Hippo balls! This will be a great thing to put in your portfolio. As you understand, if your not fit enought and/or male don't even think about it. Please send a photo of you showing your WHOLE body to The Happy Hippo Family and we will contact you with more information.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

The Happy Hippo Family Recording Diary 2

The Happy Hippo family Recording Diary 1

Once upon a time in Sweden...

Jacqueline Music created the most bloggish blog that you could ever imagine. but that is just a trifle, as bloggers say. This is the ultimate blogging solution. Stay tuned and we'll blog your ass off. Remember to RSS seed.

/The Happy Blogging Family
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